EU Rik & Mon's

Superb starling

Lamprotornis superbus
Starlings (Sturnidae)

(all credits and rights of the Wikipedia source apply)



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Size Shape Colour Legs Beak Neck Tail Habitat Habitat Social Food Food Nest
Size  15-40 cm    Shape  Waterbird   Colour Legs  Common      Beak  Pointy   Neck  Short       Tail  Normal Habitat  Forest      Habitat  Bushes      Social  Group/Flock Food  Fruit       Food  Bugs        Nest  Woven open
15-40 cm Waterbird Common Pointy Short Normal Forest Bushes Group/Flock Fruit Bugs Woven open
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Superb starling
Driekleurige glansspreeuw
Spréo superbe
Storno superbo
Estornino soberbio

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