How to search flowers and plants on RikenMon's nature guide.
Out Flowers category is under development, we did start with it. If you want to take part of this please contact us at, it would be greatly appreciated. Flowers and plants are everywhere, we will limit to the wild flowers. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish from the cultivated varieties, since wild flowers like dandelion and daisy are found in your garden as well. These are spread by the wind or perhaps bird droppings and obviously cultivated can be found in wild as well! This makes the separation a bit arbitrary but we will give it a try.
Select on our logo (top left) the flower, You can search four characteristics of flowers and plants. If you are uncertain of the size you can select 2 and both will be shown (OR-function). All other selections have to be present (AND-function) giving you the option to limit your search results. After your selection you can immediately see the results, click on a flower photo to get more specific information.
By clicking the picture tile you are redirected to the correct detailspage. |
By clicking the star (left side) the search selection is undone. |
What size is the flower. This can only be seen when the plant is blooming. We opted for the actual flower, so combined flowers like some umbellifers can be found in small flowers! Small flowers are smaller than 10 mm, large flowers are bigger than 30 mm and the remainder is in between.
There are an incredible number of flower shapes, we use two basic shapes. The Rozet with a heart of pestle with stamens surrounded by identical shaped leaves. The Lip with various shapes but there is always a central line possible to divide in left and right (leguminous and labiates).
In some cases lots of tiny flowers close to each other make it hard to separate each and we assign them to filled. They can be Rozet like dandelion but Lip as well like clover.
This is the flower colour, not the stem or the leave. Sometimes the colour is difficult since one calls it blue while someone else assigns it to purple, then both colours are assigned.
How the flower is connected to the stem. There can be a single flower or several branches with several flowers. Sometimes they form a shield (umbellifers) or in many cases repetitive along the stem like a spike.
Achievements and History log:

Summer 2020: starting the change from .jpg to .svg (ongoing).

Summer 2019: Changed regions to Ecozones (in line with WWF)

Summer 2017: HTTPS, IPV6 and added languages de,fr,it,es,pt

Summer 2016: Change to responsive lay-out

Automn 2015: All records have uniform texts

Summer 2015: iPhone and Android app in the store (sadly until 2019, funding stopped )

Winter 2013: Website with Dutch and English pages