WO Rik & Mon's
Nature-guide information on mammal finding.

How to search mammals on RikenMon's nature guide.

All mammals have fur though it might look very smooth, like a seal or bat. The young are born alive (no eggs) and are suckled. The most common mammal on earth is the human.

On the search page (access by clicking on the rabbit) you will find physical characteristics (left side) and behavioural characteristics (right side) that could be observed. On some characteristics multiple options are valid. All valid characteristics are presented on the details page. All selections can be easily undone; this has no impact on the other selections. If you are uncertain of the size you can select 2 and both will be shown (OR-function). All other selections have to be present (AND-function) giving you the option to limit your search results.

logo By clicking the picture tile you are redirected to the correct detailspage. logo
logo By clicking the star (left side) the search selection is undone.


Mammals have various measurements, individuals can differ and genders can have large differences as well. For this reason we compare to animals we all know! On the details page we see the dimensions; hbl is head body length; tl is tail length; sh is shoulder height; and sometimes the total height is given th. Is the mammal you are looking for not there try one size larger or smaller!


We base our categorisation on what can be seen,not on scientific agreements. In rodents we find smaller animals that seem to eat plants, deer are animals with longer slender legs and sometimes carry horns. And they flee for predators which have strong legs and beaks, to run fast and tear meat. Horse like are similar to horses in their movements. Hog have a typical shape and then we have other, a category that have types that can not be placed in any of the previous types (like bats, elephants and water mammals).


Mammals are less colourful compared with other of our categories, with black, grey , white and a variety of brown. The difference between brown, black and grey can be difficult to observe and a lot of inter individual differences can be noticed. Still, it can help with identification and multiple options are possible.


A fallow deer has a short hairy tail, a water vole long bold one. You can select one of the options, hairy or long. On the details page you will find which options are possible. A long tail is when it exceeds its bottom, a short one does not. A hairy tail is completely covered with hair, a bold one can have little hair or a haired tip. Sometimes we can hardly see a tail; none.

Front leg

Some animals are handy with front feet looking like human hands with fingers. Most predators have toes with soft sole and nails. Deer and horses have hoof, hard and sturdy sole.


Long hairs on the neck we call mane, hanging below the head are goatee. Hard lumps are horns, even though sometimes it is covered with skin. Some animals have conspicuous large ears compared to the head size, we note big ears if they are clearly visible.


If clearly visible we note markings, stripes and dots.


Some animals you will always find on its on, others always in groups. Within the species this can alter based on gender, age and season. Alone is solitair, together is herd/group.


The bat is the only flying mammal, though there are some mammals that can soar or float, this ability we call flying. Almost all animals can swim though most prefer not to. Others prefer the water and search for food and or live there, this ability we call swimming. The mole lives below the surface and obviously a very good digger. Not all burrow users make the borrow their selfs, lots use abandoned burrows. The ability to dig means they dig them self. Climbing is the ability to get to the top of a tree, but also Chamois climb however on rocks.


Lots of mammals flee when they spot humans, seeing the feeding habit is often difficult. We feel the need to mention which animals eat meat, the carnivores. Some prefer vegetation, the herbivores and some fancy both, the omnivores. Not all animals categorised in the scientific order carnivora are meat eaters. And often carnivores eat seeds etc. to compensate for food shortage. For example lots of herbivores eat small animals by accident, it does not make them carnivores.


This is the area where the animal prefers to be, mostly because it nests there or there is food to be found. Lots of animals have several habitats, best is to choose the surrounding where you spotted the animal. On the details page you will find all possibilities.

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logo Summer 2020: starting the change from .jpg to .svg (ongoing).
logo Summer 2019: Changed regions to Ecozones (in line with WWF)
logo Summer 2017: HTTPS, IPV6 and added languages de,fr,it,es,pt
logo Summer 2016: Change to responsive lay-out
logo Automn 2015: All records have uniform texts
logo Summer 2015: iPhone and Android app in the store (sadly until 2019, funding stopped )
logo Winter 2013: Website with Dutch and English pages

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