WO Rik & Mon's

Bugs (arthropod etc.) index:

Below you will find an alphabetical list of all bugs on RikenMon's wildlife guide. (312)

  • 14-spotted Ladybird

  • 22-spot ladybird

  • Adelphocoris seticornis [L.]

  • Agapanthia cardui [L.]

  • Agrypnus murinus [L.]

  • Alder fly

  • Alder leaf beetle

  • Anisosticta novemdecimpunctata [L.]

  • Ant-lion

  • Argiope lobata [L.]

  • Azure damselfly

  • Back-banded spider wasp

  • Banded darter

  • Banded demoiselle

  • Beautiful demoiselle

  • Bee beetle

  • Bee-eating beetle

  • Black darter

  • Black garden ant

  • Black ground beetle

  • Black Oil Beetle

  • Black slug

  • Black-and-red froghopper

  • Black-and-red-bug

  • Black-tailed skimmer

  • Bloody-nosed beetle

  • Blue featherleg

  • Blue-tailed damselfly

  • Blue-winged grasshopper

  • Bow-winged grasshopper

  • Broad-bodied Chaser

  • Brown centipede

  • Brown hawker

  • Brown mint leaf beetle

  • Buff-tailed bumblebee

  • Burgundy snail

  • Burying beetle

  • Buzzer midge

  • Cabbage bug

  • Caddis fly

  • Carabus cancellatus [L.]

  • Carabus granulatus [L.]

  • Carder bee

  • Cardinal beetle

  • Carpocoris mediterraneus [L.]

  • Carpocoris purpureipennis [L.]

  • Castor bean tick

  • Caterpillar-hunter

  • Certallum ebulinum [L.]

  • Charcoal spider

  • Chasmias lugens [L.]

  • Cheilosia illustrata [L.]

  • Chequered hoverfly

  • Chlorophanus viridis [L.]

  • Chlorophorus varius [L.]

  • Chorthippus brunneus [L.]

  • Chrysolina varians [L.]

  • Cockchafer

  • Colorado potato beetle

  • Common bluet

  • Common darter

  • Common flesh fly

  • Common glow-worm

  • Common greenbottle

  • Copris hispanus [L.]

  • Copse snail

  • Coremacera marginata [L.]

  • Costa Rican Red Leg

  • Crane fly

  • Cryptocephalus rugicollis [L.]

  • Cucumber green spider

  • Cupiennius coccineus [L.]

  • Daddy longlegs

  • Dangling sun-lover

  • Deadhead hoverfly

  • Dead-nettle leaf beetle

  • Dendroxena quadrimaculata [L.]

  • Devil's coach horse beetle

  • Dock bug

  • Domestic house spider

  • Dor beetle

  • Downlooker snipefly

  • Downy emerald

  • Drone fly

  • Dune robberfly

  • Dust spider

  • Earthworm

  • Earwig

  • Egyptian locust

  • Emerald damselfly

  • Emperor

  • Empis ciliata [L.]

  • Empis tessellata [L.]

  • Ephippiger cruciger [L.]

  • European ground beetle

  • European mantis

  • European Paper wasp

  • Evarcha arcuata [L.]

  • Fan-bristled robberfly

  • Field cricket

  • Firebug

  • Flightless dung beetle

  • Fly of the dead

  • Forest bug

  • Forest cockroach

  • Four-banded longhorn beetle

  • Four-spot orb-weaver

  • Four-spotted chaser

  • Garden bumblebee

  • Garden chafer

  • Garden locust

  • Garden snail

  • Garden spider

  • German wasp

  • Giant Woodwasp

  • Glow-worm

  • Golden digger wasp

  • Golden ground beetle

  • Golden orb-web spider

  • Golden-ringed dragonfly

  • Goldenrod crab spider

  • Grass bug

  • Great diving beetle

  • Great pond snail

  • Greater water boatman

  • Green bush-cricket

  • Green crab spider

  • Green drake

  • Green huntsman spider

  • Green lacewing

  • Green shield bug

  • Green tiger beetle

  • Grey mining bee

  • Ground lover centipede

  • Grove snail

  • Gyrinus natator [L.]

  • Hagenella clathrata [L.]

  • Hairy dragonfly

  • Hairy rose beetle

  • Hairy-legged horsefly

  • Half-spotted stink bug

  • Harlequin ladybird

  • Hawthorn shield bug

  • Heriaeus hirtus [L.]

  • Hornet

  • Hornet mimic hoverfly

  • Hornet robberfly

  • Horse fly

  • House centipede

  • House mosquito

  • Housefly

  • Ichneumon Wasp

  • Italian striped-bug

  • Kite-tailed robberfly

  • Labyrinth spider

  • Ladybird spider

  • Large amber snail

  • Large bee-fly

  • Large pine weevil

  • Large Red Damselfly

  • Large tiger hoverfly

  • Large white-faced darter

  • Leopard slug

  • Lesser diving beetle

  • Lesser water boatman

  • Libelloides longicornis [L.]

  • Lilypad whiteface

  • Lined click beetle

  • Long hoverfly

  • Longhorned beetle

  • Lygus pratensis [L.]

  • Malachite beetle

  • Marmalade hoverfly

  • Marpissa muscosa [L.]

  • Meadow Froghopper

  • Meadow grasshopper

  • Mediterranean Katydid

  • Migrant hawker

  • Milkweed grasshopper

  • Mole cricket

  • Mottled Shieldbug

  • Musk beetle

  • Mylabris variabilis [L.]

  • Narcissus bulb fly

  • Nettle weevil

  • New forest cicada

  • Noon fly

  • Norfolk damselfly

  • Northern dune tiger beetle

  • Nut weevil

  • Oak bush-cricket

  • Oak spider

  • Oedalus decorus [L.]

  • Ommatoiulus rutilans [L.]

  • Ophion sp.

  • Orange ladybird

  • Oriental cockroach

  • Owly sulphur

  • Pale giant horse-fly

  • Pardosa lugubris [L.]

  • Parhelophilus versicolor [L.]

  • Pellucid Fly

  • Phasia aurigera [L.]

  • Philodromus cespitum [L.]

  • Pholidoptera aptera [L.]

  • Picnic beetle

  • Pill millipede

  • Pine chafer

  • Poecilus cupreus [L.]

  • Pond skater

  • Poplar leaf beetle

  • Raft spider

  • Red cabbage bug

  • Red longhorn beetle

  • Red mason bee

  • Red slug

  • Red soldier beetle

  • Red wood ant

  • Red-banded sand wasp

  • Red-breasted carrion beetle

  • Red-eyed damselfly

  • Red-striped oil beetle

  • Red-tailed bumblebees

  • Red-winged grasshopper

  • Rhabdomiris striatellus [L.]

  • Rose chafer

  • Rough woodlouse

  • Ruby-legged black millipede

  • Ruby-tailed wasp

  • Ruddy darter

  • Sacred scarab

  • Saddle Bush-cricket

  • Sailor beetle

  • Scaeva pyrastri [L.]

  • Scaeva selenitica [L.]

  • Scarabaeus cicatricosus [L.]

  • Scarce chaser

  • Scarlet dragonfly

  • Scolia hirta [L.]

  • Scorpionfly

  • Sericomyia silentis [L.]

  • Seven-spot ladybird

  • Shy emerald damselfly

  • Silver green leaf weevil

  • Silverfish

  • Sixteen-spot ladybird

  • Skull spider

  • Sloe bug

  • Small Alpine Bush-cricket

  • Small pincertail

  • Small poplar borer

  • Small red damselfly

  • Southern Darter

  • Southern green stink bug

  • Southern hawker

  • Spathius exarator [L.]

  • Speckled bush-cricket

  • Spotted longhorn

  • Spotted snake millipede

  • Spring dor beetle

  • St. Mark's fly

  • Stag beetle

  • Stenurella melanura [L.]

  • Stictoleptura cordigera [L.]

  • Stretch spider

  • Striped millipede

  • Summer chafer

  • Synema globosum [L.]

  • Syrphus ribesii [L.]

  • Tachina fera [L.]

  • Tapered drone fly

  • Tawny mining bee

  • Tenthredo distinguenda [L.]

  • Thick-legged flower beetle

  • Thomisus onustus [L.]

  • Tipula vernalis [L.]

  • Toadflax leaf beetle

  • Tree wasp

  • Trichodes octopunctatus [L.]

  • Twin-lobed deerfly

  • Two-banded longhorn beetle

  • Two-spot ladybird

  • Urban bluebottle blowfly

  • Vagrant Darter

  • Valgus hemipterus [L.]

  • Variable damselfly

  • Vine weevil

  • Violet carpenter bee

  • Violet oil beetle

  • Volucella bombylans [L.]

  • Wall Mason Wasp

  • Wart-biter

  • Wasp

  • Wasp beetle

  • Wasp spider

  • Water scorpion

  • Western clubtail

  • Western conifer seed bug

  • Western honey bee

  • Wheat stink bug

  • White-faced darter

  • White-lipped snail

  • White-spotted rose beetle

  • Willow emerald damselfly

  • Woodlouse

  • Woolly apple aphid

  • Xylocopa cantabrita [L.]

  • Yellow dung fly

  • Yellow meadow ant

  • Yellow weevil

  • Yellow-winged darter

  • Zebra spider

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