WO Rik & Mon's

Butterfly index:

Below you will find an alphabetical list of all butterflies on RikenMon's wildlife guide. (225)

  • Adonis blue

  • Alcon blue

  • Antler moth

  • Apollo

  • Asian Swallowtail

  • Atlas moth

  • Auspicious burnet

  • Banded Orange Heliconian

  • Bath white

  • Beautiful carpet

  • Beautiful China-mark

  • Black arches

  • Black satyr

  • Black-eyed blue

  • Black-veined white

  • Blood-vein

  • Blue spot hairstreak

  • Box tree moth

  • Brimstone moth

  • Broad-bordered bee hawk-moth

  • Brown argus

  • Brown china mark

  • Brown hairstreak

  • Buff ermine

  • Buff-tip

  • Burnet companion moth

  • Cabbage butterfly

  • Cardinal

  • Chalkhill blue

  • Cinnabar moth

  • Cinquefoil skipper

  • Cistus forester

  • Clay triple-lines

  • Cleopatra butterfly

  • Clipper

  • Clouded Apollo

  • Clouded border

  • Clysonymus Longwing

  • Comma

  • Common blue

  • Common brimstone

  • Common heath

  • Common mormon

  • Convolvulus hawk-moth

  • Cranberry blue

  • Cranberry fritillary

  • Cream striped owl

  • Cream-bordered green pea

  • Cruiser

  • Cydno Longwing

  • Danaid eggfly

  • Dark clouded yellow

  • Dark green fritillary

  • Dingy footman

  • Discrete Chaperon

  • Dryad

  • Duke of Burgundy

  • Eastern wood white

  • Elephant hawk-moth

  • Emerald

  • Emerald Swallowtail

  • Essex skipper

  • Eyed hawk-moth

  • Feathered Beauty

  • Feathered thorn

  • Figure of eight

  • Five-spot burnet

  • Forest Mother-of-Pearl

  • Fox moth

  • Garden Acraea

  • Garden carpet

  • Garden grass-veneer

  • Garden tiger moth

  • Gatekeeper

  • Glanville fritillary

  • Glasswinged butterfly

  • Goat moth

  • Grass eggar

  • Grass-veneer

  • Grayling

  • Great Eggfly

  • Green hairstreak

  • Green-banded swallowtail

  • Green-veined white

  • Grisons fritillary

  • Grizzled skipper

  • Gypsy moth

  • Heath fritillary

  • Herald

  • High brown fritillary

  • Holly blue

  • Hummingbird hawk-moth

  • Ilex hairstreak

  • Ismenius Tiger

  • Jersey tiger

  • Julia

  • Knot grass

  • Large copper

  • Large emerald

  • Large skipper

  • Large tortoiseshell

  • Large wainscot

  • Large yellow underwing

  • Least carpet

  • Leopard moth

  • Lesser purple emperor

  • Lime hawk-moth

  • Longhorn moth

  • Lunar Yellow Underwing

  • Magpie moth

  • Malachite

  • Map

  • Marbled fritillary

  • Marbled white

  • Marsh fritillary

  • Mazarine blue

  • Meadow brown

  • Middle lace border

  • Mint moth

  • Monarch butterfly

  • Mopani

  • Mourning cloak

  • Oak eggar

  • Oak hawk-moth

  • Old world swallowtail

  • Orange tip

  • Orange Underwing

  • Owl

  • Painted lady

  • Pale clouded yellow

  • Pale tussock

  • Paper Kite

  • Peablue

  • Peacock

  • Pearl-bordered fritillary

  • Pearly heath

  • Peleides Blue Morpho

  • Peppered moth

  • Phoebus Apollo

  • Pine hawk-moth

  • Pine processionary

  • Pink Rose

  • Pioneer white

  • Plain tiger

  • Pointed Caper

  • Poplar admiral

  • Poplar hawk-moth

  • Privet hawk-moth

  • Provencal fritillary

  • Provence hairstreak

  • Purple barred yellow

  • Purple Clay

  • Purple emperor

  • Purple hairstreak

  • Purple-edged copper

  • Queen of Spain fritillary

  • Red admiral

  • Red Postman

  • Red underwing

  • Ringlet

  • Ruby tiger

  • Rusty tussock moth

  • Rusty-tipped Page

  • Scarce copper

  • Scarce fritillary

  • Scarce swallowtail

  • Scarce tortoiseshell

  • Scarlet peacock

  • Scarlet tiger moth

  • Scotch argus

  • Setaceous hebrew character

  • Sharp-angled peacock

  • Silver barred

  • Silver Y

  • Silver-ground carpet

  • Silver-spotted skipper

  • Silver-studded blue

  • Silver-washed fritillary

  • Six-spot burnet

  • Slender Scotch burnet

  • Small blue

  • Small china-mark

  • Small copper

  • Small dusty wave

  • Small emperor moth

  • Small heath

  • Small magpie

  • Small pearl-bordered fritillary

  • Small skipper

  • Small tortoiseshell

  • Small white

  • Sooty copper

  • Sorcerer

  • Southern festoon

  • Southern scarce swallowtail

  • Southern white admiral

  • Spanish festoon

  • Spanish fritillary

  • Speckled wood

  • Spotted fritillary

  • Spotted magpie

  • Spring ringlet

  • Sycamore

  • Tau emperor

  • Tiger Longwing

  • Tomato Looper

  • Transparent burnet

  • Two-tailed pasha

  • Urania swallowtail moth

  • Variable burnet moth

  • Wall brown

  • Weaver's fritillary

  • White admiral

  • White Ermine

  • White plume moth

  • White wave

  • Winter moth

  • Wood carpet

  • Wood white

  • Woodland grayling

  • Yellow pansy

  • Zebra Longwing

  • Zebra White

  • Zygaena lavandulae [L.]

  • Zygaena transalpina [L.]

  • Set ecozone (biogeographic region)
    select a region
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